
Legal Steroids

Legal Steroids are the new buzzword in health and fitness circles. It provides lifelong ‘natty’ athletes with a viable alternative to androgens and research chemicals (SARMS). But considering that it’s a fairly new entrant into…

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Sustanon 250

Despite being one of the most widely used versions of Testosterone for TRT, especially in the UK, Sustanon-250 does not get its due in a performance enhancement setting. Most users will opt for Test-Ace or…

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Dianabol or Dbol (Methandienone)

Introduction Dianabol (Methandienone) also spelled metandienone and talked about as simply ‘Dbol’ is the most used oral anabolic steroid in history.  It is a classic steroid still very popular especially with the older generations who…

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Anavar (Oxandrolone)

Introduction Anavar (Oxandrolone) is perhaps the most popular oral anabolic steroids in bodybuilding history.  One of the biggest myths is that it is a ‘weak steroid‘ and ‘waste of money‘.  However, if you get your…

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Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

You’ve probably heard about post cycle therapy being mentioned on messaging boards and the likes. But there seems to be so many contradictory views about it, that you didn’t know whom to ask. That sums…

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Trenbolone (Tren)

You’ve just run your maiden cycle of Testosterone, and you are itching already to run Trenbolone in your next cycle. Or, you’ve just been prescribed TRT and you want to get a taste of things…

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Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone)

Using Deca Durabolin the right way! Irrespective of whether you dabble in steroids for recreational purposes or you compete professionally and are looking to dip your toes in the darker side of things, Deca Durabolin…

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Clenbuterol (Clen)

If cutting was easy, then losing weight would’ve been a cakewalk. The fact though, is that cutting sucks and people usually do everything wrong when they try to cut and lose weight. They restrict themselves….

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Winstrol (Stanozolol)

Winstrol is a terrific anabolic steroid that’s sadly gained popularity for all the wrong reasons. There are first timers looking to do a ‘Winny only’ cycle because they think that it would give them the…

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